Peak 4″ Pleated Molecular Adsorbent Filter

Remove chemicals, low concentration VOCs, bio-effluents, and other odors from the air with the Pleated Molecular Adsorbent Filter for the AirBox Peak Series. Representing the first stage in the air filtration system for the Peak Series, the Pleated Molecular Adsorbent Filter filters the air of odors, household cleaning chemicals, industrial toxins, VOCs, and more. The Peak Series Pleated Molecular Adsorbent filters have an Ozone 5 rating with greater than 50% ozone removal efficiency.

The encapsulation media of the Pleated Molecular Adsorbent Filter acts as a pre-filter, preventing carbon particles from flowing to the second and third filtration systems, thus prolonging the lifespan of these filters. We recommend changing the Pleated Molecular Adsorbent Filter every six months in your Peak air cleaner. Some environments with higher VOC presence could need to change this filter more often or use Advanced Molecular Adsorbent media filters.


Additional information

Weight 1.8 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 4 in