1st Annual AirBox Distributor Summit

In our quest for healthier indoor spaces, the quality of the air we breathe takes center stage. AirBox is a leader in this endeavor, offering innovative solutions to enhance indoor air quality.

On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, AirBox Air Purifier hosted its first annual Distributor Summit in Statesville, North Carolina. Distribution teams from around the country that have been trained and certified to sell and distribute AirBox Air Purifier products gathered to tour the new manufacturing HQ and attend a series of meetings.

During the tour attendees were led through different areas of the facility to view the entire process, from start to finish, of an AirBox Peak unit being built, tested, packaged, and shipped out. AirBox employees were able to interact with the distribution teams and explain each step of the manufacturing and packaging process, giving the distributors an inside look at what happens before the AirBox units arrive on their doorstep. Many of the distributors mentioned that meeting the employees and touring the facility gave them a whole new appreciation for AirBox products being “Made in America”. The distributors also gained insight on new products coming down the pipeline including the latest compact model being released into the market next month, the Mesa. AirBox employees and the founder of AirBox also walked the teams through the research and new product development process and opened the floor for discussion.

“We’ve got some really innovative and exciting products being developed at our facility in Statesville. It was imperative that we have all of our Distribution partners take a tour of the facility and review the new products we will be releasing over the next few months. Their feedback and understanding was invaluable and is important to make the launch of these products successful,” Said Meredith Teague Co-Owner and President of AirBox.

Following the tour of the AirBox manufacturing facility, AirBox Founder and Executives of AirBox invited distributors to attend a series of presentations from their core team as well as from each of the distributor teams. The presentations opened the door for more in depth collaboration between all parties. The group discussed customer feedback and ways that the products might be improved. A few additional topics covered included; how AirBox and distributors can better educate customers and the American population in general about how important indoor air quality truly is to our health, sharing the main requirements that customers should look for when considering any product that claims to remove pathogens from the air, and next steps and plans to roll out new products.

“Even though we have been ramping up production to meet the demand for our product and we have sold thousands of Peak and Apex units already, I feel that this was the first true kick-off meeting between all of the different parties that are passionate about providing this solution to the American people. We all want to help make learning, working, and social environments safer for everyone and we also all believe that AirBox is the ultimate solution for doing this. This summit was invaluable to all parties and not one person departed without a new found sense of excitement for creating safer environments through AirBox,” said Michail Moore, Co-owner and VP of Marketing for AirBox.

For more information about AirBox and its line of commercial-grade, HEPA air purifiers please visit www.airboxairpurifier.com. Please contact AirBox for more information about customizable Safe Air solutions for your business, school, clinic, or home, (855) 927-1386, info@airboxairpurifier.com.

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