Smart Fleet Management for AirBox Air Purifiers

In our quest for healthier indoor spaces, the quality of the air we breathe takes center stage. AirBox is a leader in this endeavor, offering innovative solutions to enhance indoor air quality.

Providing safe, breathable air in your school, business, or office space is a vital way to improve indoor air quality and provide peace of mind to all who pass through your doors. Your best approach for doing so? A fleet of AirBox air purifiers that follow a Safe Air Plan (yes, we may be a bit biased—but we can’t help that it’s true!). Today we’re highlighting a lesser-known feature that provides the highest value to any AirBox installation: Smart Fleet Management with PureAware.

This cutting-edge exclusive feature gives you complete, granular control over all the AirBox air purifiers in your organization, saving you time and money, giving you remote control and monitoring capabilities, and lessening environmental impact.

Read on to learn how this powerful feature enhances the AirBox Safe Air experience.

Introducing Smart Fleet Management

At AirBox, we’re passionate about delivering next-level experiences to our customers. That’s why we’re excited to highlight Smart Fleet Management, a powerful, exclusive software tool that maximizes the value of your AirBox installation. This industry-leading technology is not available from any other commercial air purifier provider. Once again AirBox is leading the way.

We use PureAware as our Smart Fleet Management interface. It’s a cloud-based software platform that allows AirBox owners to configure, manage, adjust, and monitor their fleet of AirBox air purifiers from nearly anywhere.

PureAware allows you to program individual units or groups of units in your system to fit the needs of the moment. You can also make temporary adjustments.

You’ll receive real-time updates on air quality (as measured by an array of sensors on each unit), plus alerts when it’s time to reorder or replace filters.

The PureAware Smart Fleet Management portal is available on desktop and there is a mobile app that is used for local Bluetooth-enabled control of one unit at a time.

The Key Benefits

Smart Fleet Management is more than a catchphrase. This technology delivers real results that make a difference for you and everyone who walks through your doors.

Maximize ROI by Saving Time, Energy, and Money

When you use Smart Fleet Management to manage your AirBox units, you save in all the ways that matter, maximizing your return on investment.

First, you’ll save time every day because your maintenance manager no longer needs to check units manually throughout your facility. The smart dashboard shows at a glance which units are operating optimally, and it will indicate if a unit needs inspection, a filter change or maintenance.

You’ll also save on energy. Most buildings aren’t occupied at maximum capacity 24/7, so why run your air purification systems that way? By scheduling CFM output to match the appropriate air exchange based on expected occupancy, 24 hours vs. about 10 hours, you could save around $40 per unit per year (or more if you live in a state with higher electricity costs).

Ultimately these both add up to monetary savings: fewer maintenance hours and less electricity (not to mention longer unit life, which we’ll cover in a moment) all add up to more money returned to your operating budget.

Extends the Life of Units and Filters

AirBox air purifiers and filters are built to last and made in the USA to exacting standards, but every piece of machinery has a maximum usable life.

By scheduling your AirBox air purifiers to run at levels appropriate to scheduled building occupancy (rather than at maximum output even when the building is empty), you’ll extend the life of your air purifiers and filters alike.

Supports the Health of All Who Enter

Industrial air purifiers are an investment in the health and well-being of all who enter your building and facilities. You don’t want to have lingering questions about the effectiveness of your system, either— that’s the main problem with other systems that take an approach of “drop it in the room and hope for the best.”

AirBox air purifiers each have an onboard CO2 sensor, which measures the CO2 concentration in the room. CO2 concentration correlates to the volume of respiratory aerosols in a given space. High CO2 levels also means higher levels of potentially infected respiratory aerosols, increasing the risk for airborne infection with room occupants. High CO2 levels can also indicate that the population in a room is too high or that the room’s ventilation system isn’t working properly, making the environment unhealthy for occupants. Measuring CO2 levels should be especially important to educational facilities due to the negative cognitive impacts high CO2 can have to the human body. In summary: high CO2 means more air exchanges needed and a higher CFM rate of air purification.

Combine these embedded CO2 sensors with Smart Fleet Management, and you’ll receive instant alerts when CO2 levels rise higher than they should. These notifications allow your maintenance team to make adjustments remotely (such as increasing CFM throughput to account for higher occupancy) and to know right away if a unit is underperforming.

By knowing exactly how well your system is performing in every single protected space, you’ll better support the health of all who enter.

How PureAware Smart Fleet Management Works

Want a little more information about how our Smart Fleet Management technology works? We’re so glad you asked!

Here’s a typical progression of how our customers use their Smart Fleet Management capabilities.

Schedule your fleet

Take control of your AirBox units and customize when and at what levels your units operate. Set them on their own schedules in groups or zones, or control them individually or all at once.

Control from anywhere with remote monitoring

Thanks to web and mobile apps from PureAware, you can monitor and control every unit remotely or locally. Conference room or cafeteria in use at an unexpected time? Just a few taps on your phone or tablet, and your AirBox Peak is back up to full capacity.

Receive alerts via CO2 sensors

Once you have your system configured to your liking, you can let it run on autopilot. It will follow the schedule you set and respond to occasional overrides, should you need them. And thanks to CO2 sensor alerts, you’ll be alerted the moment CO2 concentrations rise too high in a space. Usually all you’ll need to do is dial up the CFM throughput, but these alerts can also warn you about potential (though rare) problems or failures with a unit.

Receive filter replacement notifications 

Finally, our Smart Fleet Management tech can alert you when filters in your system are nearing end of life, prompting you to reorder before it’s a crisis.

AirBox and Smart Fleet Management Keep You Breathing Easy

By combining best-in-class hardware throughout the lineup with an industry-first Smart Fleet Management system, AirBox keeps you breathing easy — literally, and when dealing with the ongoing operation and maintenance of your commercial air purifiers.

To learn more about the benefits of Smart Fleet Management (or to start your Safe Air Plan if you’re not yet an AirBox client), contact us today.

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